🌸💗🌸🌳22 Shevat/February 17🌸💗🌸🌳 Baruch HaShem! Good News!
🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem!
Deep gratitude to our sponsors!This prayer trek to Kever Rachel is in the zechut of Rochel Leah bas Chava Shifra- To be blessed with a Refuah Shelaimah Happiness Success Health Parnassah Shalom Bayis Mazel & Bracha.Freidel chaya bat sima devorah-good health and her children Aron Moshe Ben freidel chaya Chana seesha bat freidel chaya and Masha shulamit bat devorah Liba. For parnassa and a good shidduch. Also a refuah shelayma for Ella bat pessiahEsther Inna bat Brocha Tanya & Sara Esther Efrat bat Golda. May HaShem help them attain all their hearts desires speedily, complete emuna, parnassa tova and good health for them and all their family.
Tizka l'mitzvot!Everyone who commented in the “Kever Rachel” your prayers were prayed for today!
May we all continue to hear good news speedily!!
Please take up your good deed if you haven’t already and light a candle for the Tzadikka