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Idra Raba

🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem and our prayers. 🙌🏽

May we all hear good news soon!!!!!

Please light a candle in the merit of the Tzadiks of the Idra Raba if you commented in the prayer thread as your prayers were prayed there today!

💙Deep Gratitude to our anonymous sponsor in the merit of, Chana bas Dvorah, may Hashem give her a complete refuah shlema. May we all hear good news soon!

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This website is dedicated in the zechut of Isabell Sophia Barlow, Chava bat Chava Chaya,  Leib Eliyahu ben Yahel יהל Yehudit, z'l, R' HILLELZL & ZELDA ZL RUBINSTEIN


Laura bat Mary 

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