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Elkana Prayer Trek

🌝🌷🌳26 Shevat/February 21🌳🌷🌝

Baruch HaShem! Good News!

🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem!

BH Elkana the prophet prayer trek up. He is the husband of Chanah and father of the prophet Samuel. He is known to be a righteous, wise, kind and compassionate Tzadik.

This prayer trek to Elkana is in the Zechut of Courtney bat Priscilla, Sophia bat Priscilla, Ileana bat Lydia,Elisheva Yosepha Yahudit bat Sarah, Zachariah Shmuel Chaim ben Elisheva, and Rivkah Rut Mirium bat Elisheva Hannah May HaShem help them attain their hearts desires, complete emuna, good heath, easy parnassa tova and shalom.

Everyone who commented in the “Elkana” your prayers were prayed for today!

May we all continue to hear good news speedily!!

Please take up your good deed if you haven’t already and light a candle for the Tzadik

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This website is dedicated in the zechut of Isabell Sophia Barlow, Chava bat Chava Chaya,  Leib Eliyahu ben Yahel יהל Yehudit, z'l, R' HILLELZL & ZELDA ZL RUBINSTEIN


Laura bat Mary 

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