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Yonathan Ben Uzziel

15 Adar 🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem and our prayers. 🙌🏽

May we all hear good news soon!!!!!

Please light a candle in the Yonathan Ben Uzziel merit if you commented in the prayer thread as your prayers were prayed there today!

💙A very special ZIVUG prayer trek on the 15th of Adar which sages say is an excellent time to be at a kever of a Tzadik as it is like their soul comes down in full like their yarzeit! Deep gratitude to our sponsors, Shloime Dov ben Yisroel Mayer & Chava Sara bat Marina for making this prayer trek happen to Yonathan Ben Uzziel kever! May they have continued success, parnassa, good health, clarity and marry their zivug speedily. May Hashem bless them always and help them attain all their heart's wishes for the very best, amen

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