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Writer's pictureEsther Nava

Cave of the Patriarchs Prayer Trek on Rosh Chodesh!

Updated: Jun 28, 2020

🙌🌷🌳Tamuz 1 / June 23🌳🌷🙌 Chodesh Tov!!!!!!! Baruch HaShem! Good News!

🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem! Deep gratitude to our sponsor!

Everyone who commented in the “Cave of the Patriarchs” your prayers were prayed for today! Please take up a good deed if you haven’t already and light a candle for the Tzadik . @ Cave of the Patriarchs in the zechut of: Masha bat Charna Ruchel Misha Moshe Ben Chana Sara bat Yoheved Rahel bat Esther Gittel & family Chana Seesha bat Freidel Chaya Devorah bat Miriam With gratitude to Hashem! Chelsea bas Devorah In memory of Shayndel Bas Nuchum, Betzela Ben Yeshayahu, Gittel Bas Nuchum , Toiba Bas Nuchum, Norman Ben Nuchum, William Ben Nuchum, Nuchum Ben Avraham, Len Ben Avraham. Zivug for shoshana bat adina batya R' Hillel Ben Naftali ZL Zelda Bas Tzvi Hersh Hakohen ZL Anonymous member With gratitude to Hashem! Sara bat Yoheved for strength and good health Leo ben Elisheva good health, happiness, get a job he needs Gennadi ben Nina, good health, happiness, parnassa, Elisheva bat Betya Ita Leah bat Brina Rachel bat Tziona Tehila Refuah Shlema Anonymous Member Aliza Ruchul Bat Sarah Leah for a good shidduch /Ella bat Pessiah for a complete Refuah Shelayma Memory of Ana bat Josefa Immediate refuah shlaima for Moshe Nechemia ben Brauna and a shidduch for Rivka Malka bas Shoshsna Etta Bethenie bat Ileana Rahel bat Esther gittel& fam Freidel Chaya bat Sima Devorah/ Aaron Moshe Ben Freidel Chaya /Chana Sheesha bat Freidel Chaya Diana bat Araceli Dina ilana bas avigail great health internal/external, cleares all false accusation and other party punished, clear all evil eye, success, continued nachas, love, parnassa great job and so much joy Yosef Ben Yitzchak Atara chen bat dina ilana great health internal/external, success, wealth, emunah, brochos, mazel, clear all evil eye, protection, love, kindness and abundance of happiness always ad120. Rochel Leah bas Chava Shifra Shalom Avraham ben Toby Yakov Yosef ben Rochel Leah Shmuel Tzvi ben Asher Chava Shifra bas Perel To be blessed with Mazal Bracha Health Happiness & Parnassah. Ben tzion ben shoshana-gezunt, parnassa, nachas, yeshuos Rav Dovid hakohen ben henna gittel Rochel Miriam bat Faiga and Joseph Ben Sara for strong health, shalom bayit and Mazal Yoshiah bar Raizel and Naftalah bat Pessy (anonymously please) and Leilah Tovah bat Pessy Anonymous member Yaakov ben Sarah and Masha Perel bas Leba - good health, abundant parnassah, Yiddishe nachas from each of our children, grandchildren from each of our children, Hashem's help to follow and learn Torah May Hashem help them attain all their hearts desires speedily! May we hear good news soon💓 May all our teffilot be answered speedily!

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