Sunday May 26/21 of Iyar @The “Miracle Maker”
🙌🏽B”H we are only the messengers, and the tzadikim are the conduit to Hashem and our prayers. 🙌🏽
Deep gratitude to our sponsors for making these this prayer trek possible for everyone in the group! This is a big trek as it takes almost 4 hours to get there and 4 hours back home!
In the zechut of our anonymous sponosor. May Hashem help her attain her hearts desires. Great health for all and long life for all Sarah bas Leah Zechariya Faivel Avraham ben Chana Leah Zechariya bas Shulamis Yechiel ben Miriam Bluma Chana Bas Freida Shulamis Tova bas Sarah Yosef Binyamin ben Sarah Moshe Aryeh ben Miriam Mirel V'mishpachto Chaim Yitzchock ben Miriam Mirel V'mishpachto Frayda bas Miriam Mirel V'mishpachta. In the zechut of Frieda bat Shayndl Fagee & Yitzak ben Chaya may they have continued shalom bayit, good health, safe travels and happiness. In the zechut of Dror Ben Frieda and meeting his zivug, a nice jewish girl that will love and care for him as his mother. Chanah Leah bat T’surah Yocobah, gavrilla bat Raquel, and Yehudah ben Avaraham that Hashem help them attain their hearts desires. In the zechut of Sharona Shifra bas Tamar, Elimelech Yitzchak Ben Faiga Leah and Leah bat Miriam may Hashem help them attain their hearts desires.
Everyone that commented in the Baba Sali Prayer thread your prayers were prayed!
May we all continue to hear good news speedily!!
Please take up a good deed and also light a candle for the Tzadik as your prayers were prayed for.